- Contoh Command Design Pattern
- Contoh Façade Design Pattern
- Contoh Bridge Design Pattern
- Contoh Template Method Design Pattern
- Contoh Singleton Design Pattern
- Contoh Builder Design Pattern
- Contoh Adapter Design Pattern
- Contoh Decorator Design Pattern
- Contoh State Design Pattern
- Contoh Strategy Design Pattern
- Immutable Collection untuk Java 8
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- Nasihat Bijak untuk Software Engineer (The Power of Words)
- Trik Checked Exception di Java Lambda
- SOLID: Prinsip Dependency Injection (Inversion of Control)
- SOLID: Prinsip Interface Segregation
- SOLID: Prinsip Liskov Substitution
- SOLID: Prinsip Open for Extension, Close for Modification
- SOLID: Prinsip Single Responsibility
- Diam Itu gEmas